Sunday, July 18, 2010

über day in deutschland

ahhh...Sunday. In America it might seem like just another day of the week, but in Germany, Sunday is truely a day of rest. This morning our team had the oportunity to attend one of two of the evangelical churches we have been working with. Kevin, Josh, Becky and Ellie had the opportunity to share their testimonies with the congregations, with positive responses from the church-goers. While services were almost entirely in German, we were lucky to get a translation of the applicable sermons. Afterwards one of the churches hosted a German BBQ (is there such thing?) with rolls and sausage abound. It was a great opportunity for us to connect with their tight-knit church community as we swapped stories and shared a lot of laughs.

The afternoon was reserved for some quality hang-out time with our host families. Some of us went to go see live music at a Ravinia-esqe centuries old monestary, others ate ice cream (like antho) and had a refreshing time of relaxation.

Eating has always been an integral part of Summit mission trips, and today was no exception. We hosted a festive dinner with our host families with traditional American cuisine (chili, cornbread and apple crisp). Afterwards our friends Nate and Andy entertained us with a cross-cultural comedy show, much to everyone's delight. We praise God for his provision thus far and for the amazing opportunites he has given us to connect with our new friends here.

Tomorrow we will be partying it up. Playing volleyball, cornhole, ping pong and swimming at the local pool will function as an evangelistic outlet for us as we chill with the Germans. Please pray that hearts are softened towards the message God presents tomorrow and for our boldness in sharing our faith.

ßlessings ße to our ßeautiful Lord, who ßrings us ßountiful ßread and ßoiled ßrats!!

Simo (Ha! I bet you thought this was Antho!)


  1. So happy to hear you had such a great Sabbath Day. Praises to Jesus. The food sounds yummy! Send our love to everyone and please send our thanks to the host families (esp the family that is putting up with Josh!) :) jk

  2. Ditto what Jennifer says! And Sammy...I hope Mirjam gave you that hug from me! (I told her you'd roll your eyes.) We miss you and wish we could have heard your testimony...praying for you and the team ALOT! Love, Mom Smith
