Monday, July 19, 2010

Montag- What's that? We get to sleep until 11!?!? We trampled on the monday morning blues concept and got our well needed precious rest. Some of us decided to use some of the early morning time to arrange a run with antho...and well...he didn't show up...(yes i did... we just missed each other)

The worship team had practice a little before 11. It's been so cool to lead worship because It consists of half Americans and half Germans. We all just came together and bam, we had music. We all met at the church at 11:30. We sang worship and had a small devotion. After, Lunch!!! nothing like good old meatball subs. Then we packed up to do some ministry!

We all had a great time at a local pool in GieBen(that's the special B=ss). We played volleyball, introduced bags/corn hole, and pushed each other in the water a ridiculous amount of times. Then the worship team played some up beat songs that got everyone excited!!!! Nate and Andy (black n berry) did a rap for the audience, and Nate gave his testimony. Then we had an evangelist speak about the parable of the lost son in Luke. The message was in german, but from the broken translation that we received, the speaker was comparing the happiness that the world has to offer as opposed to the happiness the kingdom of God has to offer using the parable.
Many people were very interested, including the life guard who had his back turned to the pool :)

gute nacht everybody!!



  1. Sounds awesome! I'm so glad Nate and Andy got to hang with you guys! I'm praying for you.

  2. Wonderful to hear from you all and that you got caught up on your sleep. I'm praying that you'll have another wonderful day as you love others, serve Jesus and spread His Word.
    Jennifer Heise
