Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Planning, Planning, and more Planning

Hey everyone,

After a long day of traveling we were right back at it the next day. Today was called our planning day and man did we do a lot of planning. If you do not know, we have a lot of great ministries planned here: doing ministry via sports with middle school aged students, going to public schools and talking about american culture, and various other ministries with coffee houses, poor neighborhoods and going out into the community and visiting people.

Though, we had all these ideas for the week we needed a plan... so the students from GEBC and the students from the local churches here in Germany sat down together and started to hammer out details for our week. It was so encouraging to see students leading and owning this mission trip. We had our students working a long side German students and leaders and making sure we had everything covered. From planning all the meals to planning out who is giving testimonies which days our students had everything down. It was awesome to see their skills shine. In the afternoon some students went out and did the shopping for the supplies while others of us went out to homes in the village and spent some time hanging out with them. It was awesome to be able to serve them. I was with two students (Kate and Cara) and we went to an old ladies house and just did some practical work of vacuuming her carpets and mopping her floors. It was great to see the joy she had on her face. It was a great reminder of how powerful love is and if you are willing to do anything, how awesome God can make the outcome. Kate, Cara, and myself also found out that German ice cream is pretty darn good!! :)

We start the ministry directly with the kids tomorrow with our first sports day. Please pray for Spencer and Erin as they will be giving their testimonies at the sports day. Please also pray for safety as we play soccer and baseball with them, and most important that God would be glorified through all we do.

Thanks for your support and prayers!! Please continue to pray for this trip. We could use it!



  1. We are continuing to pray for you and will throughout the week. I know that God always has bigger plans for us than we can ever make for ourselves! All Glory to the King!

  2. Awesome!!!
    I bet Kate loved that ice cream! :) Praying for you all! :)

  3. so thrilled to see the pictures!! and i remember how good the ice cream was. we are continuing to cover you all in prayer. the switalskis

  4. Likewise, we were thrilled to see the pictures and to hear about your first full day in Germany. We will continue to pray for you and for your sports day tomorrow (or is it already today?) and that God will move and speak through you all. love, Jeff and Jennifer Heise
