Thursday, July 15, 2010

All you need is love, love, love...

There is some song lyrics that have been in my heart for the last few days and it goes like this...
"We can pierce the darkness as He shines through us. We will come reaching with a song of healing. And they will know us by our love"
It is funny sometimes plans don't go the way you want. This trip as been like that for many reasons. As most of you know our plans feel through with the camp we were going to do. Then we get there and there are a lot of things to plan out even as our group is here. On top of all that we have hit some road blocks here in Germany and it has forced our team to search out God like we never have before. I don't want to alert anyone. Everyone is safe and doing really great, there are just some things that don't always go your way and you need to rally the troops and go forward together...
And that is exactly what this team has done. I have been so thankful for this group of students and how they have come to just love on the students here in Pohlheim and also within our group. Today was our first day of ministry directly with others. We had a sports day planned out. We had half of our team as coaches and the other half as players on the teams. We slpit up into four teams and had a round robin tournament in both baseball and soccer and whoever won the most games won. It was awesome to hang out with these students and God was doing amazing work within our students. Students were connecting right away and the love that was shared was a sight to see. This day wasn't about the sports it was all about showing these kids about the love of Christ. Spencer and Erin did an amazing job sharing their testimony and entering the Gospel into their stories.
God is good everyone and I know for a fact that His ways are not always my ways. I need to continue to trust in Him and what His will for my and your live. We know as a group that if we continuely stay obediant to God's calling and fully rely on God for our every step... that no matter the situation, God will be faithful. Tomorrow we are going into some kindergarden classes to talk about American culture and then in the evening we are doing a coffee house ministry. Please pray for Josh, Alison, and the rest of the worship team as they are planning some songs for us tomorrow.
Thanks for all the prayers and support already. They are much needed.



  1. The photos are great!! Looks as if you are having a great time w/ your new German friends! We are praying often for you & the kids you connect w/!! Love to all!

  2. praying!! great pictures! carolyn

  3. We enjoy the updates and photos. Thanks so much, Antho. Sounds like the first day of the sports camp was fun for all. We are continuing in prayer for everyone. We send our greetings and love to each one. Jeff and Jennifer

  4. Truly amazing! Can't wait to hear and we are all praying for ya! :)

  5. God has promised that He will work all things together for the good of those who love him. I am sure that this will be a time of great spiritual growth for all the students. We love you and are praying for you and those you come in contact with this week.

  6. God is good and He is in the big things and the little things. We are praying you the team and all those you interact with in Germany. Keep getting rest and watch the sunburns!
